Purity Redux: Vivication - Pensive, InuYasha Fan Fiction | MediaMiner

Purity Redux: Vivication - Pensive, InuYasha Fan Fiction | MediaMiner

Saori awoke with a smile on her face as she blinked and opened her eyes to the bright light of day.  It took all of ten seconds for her to realize a couple things: number one, she was cuddled up next to Fai, which was entirely too nice, and number two?

He was wearing nothing at all.

The towel that he'd wrapped around his waist after his bath had worked itself loose.

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  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Yes I finally got the chance to sit down and catch up! Tehehe... Fai is in for a shock when he figures out who Saori is. I sort of want to see Fai up against Sesshomaru or Inuyasha... that could be interesting. Wonder if Fai will finally tell Inuyasha he's full of shit? lol.

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