The Legend Of the Solar Whip - pizza, Ronin Warriors Fan Fiction | MediaMiner

The Legend Of the Solar Whip - pizza, Ronin Warriors Fan Fiction | MediaMiner

Ryo yawns as he again finds himself on Rowen's couch. He seemed to be here a lot. He smirks Rowen's house didn't have a whole lot to do and still being injured he couldn't do much himself. Rowen's dad would be home tonight, it seemed odd since he had gotten there he had yet to really see anything of Mr. Hashiba. Rowen said he was just really busy, but to never really see his home and his own son?

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  • I know 17 years is a long time to hope, but I still love this story and it's in my top 10 all-time fanfic favs. Someday, I hope you find inspiration to return to fanfiction and the Ronin universe and write a sequel for this story. I met you through this fiction, fangirling the crap out of it and your other works. I'm forever grateful for the inspiration you and your work gave me with creating my own ronin fiction...something I also need to return too after a long hiatus. Just wanted to say thank you. PM me if you ever continue. I've an account on here and AO3 that are woefully neglected, but can be reached easily on FFN still.

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