College Reunion, or Correcting a Past Mistake - Part 1- Where Are We Now, Digimon Fan Fiction | Medi


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  • Well now, this is a surprise.

    Hello there anyone reading this. I'm the UmbreonMessiah, formerly known as Darkstar. Rumors of my internet death have been greatly exaggerated. I merely changed names almost two decades ago and haven't looked back since. Well, until today that is.

    Given everything that this is based off of - which is to say, cringe early internet erotica with a multiverse plot - you've done wonders with the material. I never would have thought to look back on my old work with any sort of sincerity, let alone view any of it under the microscope of reality. Painting the events as horrific rather than aspirational is a genius move that has definitely brought a level of pathos to the story already, and I'm only one chapter in! It feels "lived" if that makes any sense. I might have to read everything to see how it all plays out.

    If nothing else, it has made me nostalgic for a time long, long ago. I'm in a better place now...thanks to some very good friends and even better partners. I hope you're doing well, too. If nothing else, at least I made an impact!

    • UmbreonMessiah, aka "Darkstar"
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