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Even the most stable already catching up with fatigue
At the heart of all things listed - uncertainty and chaos, as well as fear of death, own and close people. These fears, of course, are always, but through a pandemic, they exacerbated too. At the same time, most of our contemporaries have no stress skills - because it is an art that you need to learn.
And it's just the tip of the iceberg. In such uncertainty, people live almost a year. Even the most stable is already catching up with fatigue, nervous exhaustion, obvious is the burnout syndrome and fatigue.
Depressive states, panic attacks, anxiety disorders, sleep disturbances and sexual functions are the oldest requests for the last six months. And, of course, an increase in voltage among close people - partners, parents and children, as well as between the bosses and subordinates, among employees, etc.
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Recently, many of my customers complain about an unbearable sense of uncertainty. They can not plan practically nothing - because Lokdown will be, it will not be partial ... That is, the state, which should serve as a stronghold of reliability in a critical situation, not only does not work in this direction, but also creates waves of instability. In these conditions, not that business or career does not plan, and even large purchases and rest are questioned.
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I still have a very often bumping woman's misunderstanding when I say that a man and baby need to put one level. But I am convinced that in a family, respect should not be in the name of children, but in the name of each of its members.
Then a lot of acquaintances with horror horrified eyes and said: "How about how to break?" But to lace from this trip with a loved one or from this Sunday walks returned to another person who does not sit on a child, not all his images and stresses, but, on the contrary, crops the same love, caressing, tenderness, which children and needs . And besides, it also lifts relations with your husband .