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Well here it is the rest of the holiday spectacular has arrived. I hope you all have enjoyed reading this, and I wish you all Merry Christmas and Happy New Years. May your lives be full of fun and surprises (the Good Kind). Hopefully I will see you in a few days with the first installment of the next "season" of this set called Sugar Rush.
Hello ~! I'm not sure if you are still active, but I hope you get this!
Just wanted to drop a comment to let you know I enjoyed your story - enough to read the whole thing several times through!! Even though I was TOTALLY AND COMPLETELY CONFUSED BY MOST OF IT HAHAHAHAHA!!!! I didn't realize it was a crossover, and I have ZERO CLUE about most of the characters, or anything about Arcadians and I have no concept of the series "Fake" - but I am 100 percent OBSESSED with Petshop of Horrors, so I basically read it for that tee-hee ^^;) Understandably the story is a bit confusing for someone who only knows one of the series hehe so I just had to fill in the blanks in my imagination for the Arcadia side of it.
Reviewing strictly from a Petshop of Horrors side... there were some REALLY perfect moments. Leon is great in this. He is so over-protective of D, and I love it. I also like that the amhem smut part is alot of cuddling and Leon over-ruling D and telling him not to worry or not to cry. That's sweet. I know this is an alti-verse, but I feel like alot of your Petshop of Horrors writing fits perfectly.
Your story is so imaginative!!! Here are some of my favorite parts - they really stood out powerfully in the middle of a hehe rather confusing plot, but these scenes were so beautifully written!
1) When D's Father appears out of nowhere, drags him away, throws him into the petshop, cloaks the place in a spell, and BEATS his son... and D's sorrowful, dignified obedience in the face of his Father's rage.
2) Leon taking away his pain with the help of an empath.
3) D being so adorably distraught when he explains that he is a Kami and over 1000 years old...
4) That little conversation when Leon is amazed by how small D is, and wonders why D didn't fight back, but D explains he would never fight back against his Father, because it is disrespectful. (Kudos, this is classic Petshop of Horrors.)
5) The meeting with the King is all a bit confusing for me - but it was elegant and formal and lovely - and I do love the interaction between D and D's Father, here.
7) And OMG poor D...! They took his memories away?! ("The real memories of that day are coming back, are they not?" D's father taunted as D's breathing increased in speed.) That's so mean! And beautiful! And poor D... he was suffering so much when he remembered! That scene was heartbreaking... D turning pale, hyperventilating, and collapsing, unconscious... ~cries~!
8) D's Father showing up to take care of his son when he is ill... giving him medicine, making him drink it... AND THE FACT THAT HIS MEDICINE IS SUGAR WATER! HA! YES! applause!
9) The ENTIRE bit with the handcuffs. YES. brilliant Also, D tossing Leon to the floor and throwing shoes at him, before Leon finally pins him down and handcuffs him! HAHAHAHA!
10) D's Father taking care of D and the fact that even though D is determined to carry the child, BOTH D's Father and Leon are more concerned that D could lose his life.
SOOOOOOOO, lots of beautiful stuff here! Sorry for the long review, but thanks for writing such an intriguing story with so many delicious and touching scenes!